2021-10-05 327
The projection lamp is actually a kind of spotlight, so its illumination angle can be adjusted according to the LED projection lamp shell, so its application is more flexible, and the general LED proj
2021-10-05 294
The most commonly used LED projection lamps are basically 1W high-power LED tubes. Each LED tube will be equipped with a high luminous efficiency lens made of PMMA. Its main function is to distribute
2021-08-31 329
Led high-power projection lamp. Now the LED projection lamp that is widely used is basically 1W high-power LED tube. Each LED tube will be equipped with a high luminous efficiency lens made of PMMA. I
2021-04-08 567
The projection lamp can not only be installed and used alone, but also be composed of multiple lamps, which can be centrally installed on the pole above 50m to form a railing lighting device. In addit
2021-04-08 432
What is a floodlight? Projection lamp is a kind of lighting lamp widely used in the field of lighting lamps at this stage. Projection lamp not only has the lighting effect of traditional lighting lamp
2021-04-08 411
1. The power supply is broken, and the power supply is not connected:The bad power supply of the floodlight of the floodlight manufacturer accounts for the majority, and the power supply shows a good
2021-04-08 393
In the whole process of caring for LED lamps and lanterns, LED lamps and lanterns themselves are a very good situation at the sexual level. While in the whole process of caring for the product shell o
2021-04-08 386
The LED floodlight of the floodlight manufacturer is mainly used for the wall lighting of single buildings and ancient buildings at historical times, the lighting inside and outside the building, the